
Updates from Fifth & 55th

  • Worship

    Praying With Our Hands

    Pastor Sarah leads an effort of healing for Ukraine and Russia.

    April 04, 2022
  • General News

    Exploring the Holy Land

    Two Fifth Avenue Pastors look forward to deepening their faith in Israel.

    March 24, 2022
  • Social Issues

    We All Belong to God

    Confronting Violence Against Asian Americans. A Statement from Fifth Avenue Clergy

    March 19, 2022
  • Adult Education

    Replay: The 2021 Gotto Lecture

    The Rev. Canon Esau McCaulley, PhD, delivers The Gotto Lecture

    November 04, 2021
  • Staff

    Celebrating Morgan

    The Fifth Avenue team says goodbye to Morgan Valencia King as he pursues a new path in ministry and shares gratitude for his impact as Director of Engagement.

    October 03, 2021
  • General News

    Livestream Worship with Fifth Avenue

    Worship with us every Sunday at 11 am EST at Head to for our weekly video service Light, Leaven & Salt.

    September 13, 2021
  • General News

    Celebrating Stephanie

    The Fifth Avenue team says goodbye to Stephanie Kelley as she makes a permanent move to Sweden to join her husband, Kalle.

    September 10, 2021
  • General News

    September Opening Plan for Phase 3A & 3B

    Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church is thrilled to resume regular Sunday Services at Fifth and 55th Street. The church will make its way toward fill reopening (Phase 3) in two stages: Phase 3A and Phase 3B.

    September 07, 2021
  • General News

    Homecoming Sunday, September 12, 2021

    Welcome back! On Homecoming you'll meet the Rev. Dr. Jonah So and the Rev. Sarah Speed in worship & weather permitting, we'll be having special music and fellowship outside on 55th Street after worship.

    September 06, 2021
  • General News

    Fifth Avenue Nursery Reopening Protocols

    Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church is committed to providing safe and loving child care. Therefore, Fifth Avenue requires all staff, Sunday School teachers, volunteers, and childcare workers to be fully vaccinated and masked.

    September 05, 2021

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