Community Life
Through Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, hundreds of volunteers come together to feed the hungry, cheer the homebound, welcome the stranger, advocate for change, and minister to people in need, around the world and just outside our doors.

We offer a range of opportunities to serve, from teaching Sunday School to ushering to leading tours. Some of our programs need volunteers on a weekly, even daily basis. Others offer opportunities to serve once a month, or at one-time events scheduled throughout the year. (Upcoming events in need of volunteer support are listed on the right side of this page.)
Scroll down to learn more about the many volunteer opportunities available at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. If you are a new volunteer, please complete the sign-up form and let us know the kinds of opportunities that interest you. We look forward to serving with you!
Weekly Programs
Community Choir: Wednesday evenings
The Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church Community Choir is a non-auditioned choir open to members of the church and the wider community who love to sing and want to advance their musical and vocal skills. This choir meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm for rehearsal and fellowship. The Community Choir joins the Fifth Avenue Choir several times each year to lead music in Sunday morning worship. Contact: Ryan Jackson ([email protected]).
Meals on Heels: Saturday mornings
This three-decades-old ministry gathers every Saturday in Bonnell Hall to prepare and deliver hot, nutritious meals to homebound seniors. Government guidelines on sanitation and social distancing have been implemented for volunteers and recipients. Deliverers are needed now more than ever. Advance sign-up is required. Contact: John Wyatt [email protected].
Sunday School: September through May
Our Sunday School ministry offers an engaging, hands-on approach to learning Scripture for children from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. (In sixth grade, students move on to our Youth Group). All classes are taught by trained volunteers under the supervision of our director of Christian education. Volunteer teachers work in teams for one hour every Sunday, beginning at 9:30 am in the LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center. Contact: Jaime Staehle ([email protected]).
Tours: Sundays and occasional Saturdays
Our trained docents provide tours of our sacred spaces every Sunday following the 11 am worship service (or the 10 am service during the summer). We also need docents and greeters for special events such as Open House New York in October and Sacred Sites in May. Contact: Judy Moseley ([email protected]).
Ushers & Greeters: Sunday mornings
Ushers and greeters are the first faces of Fifth Avenue’s ministry of hospitality. Ushers and greeters are needed every Sunday and for special worship services (such as weddings and memorial services) throughout the year. Volunteers typically serve one Sunday every five weeks. Training is provided. Contact: Jacky Radifera ([email protected]).
Welcome Table: Sunday mornings
Hospitality is one of the core values of the Christian tradition. If you would like to be one of the welcoming faces of the church, we welcome your participation!
Monthly Programs
Project FIND: Second Saturdays
On the second Saturday of the month, Fifth Avenue volunteers serve the noon meal and share fellowship with more than 100 elderly New Yorkers at Project FIND’s Woodstock Senior Center (127 W. 43rd St). The work starts at 11:45 am and finishes up about 1:35 pm. Contact: Vijay Wijesundera ([email protected]).
Other Ongoing Programs
Volunteers work with our archivist to maintain and expand the church’s extensive collection of records, which date to the founding of the congregation in 1808. Volunteers help to convert print documents and cassette recordings to digital format, input genealogical records and pew records into our database, catalog our photo collection, and handle a variety of other tasks. Much of the work is done in the Archives (on the third floor of the church house), but some tasks can be done remotely. Contact: Dale Hansen ([email protected]).
Befriending Ministry
As part of our ministry to serve New Yorkers experiencing homelessness, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church offers a befriending presence to our neighbors on the streets. Volunteers help us to host special events throughout the year—such as the Margaret Shafer Community Picnic in June, and the Joe Vedella Holiday Dinner and the Shelter Family Holiday Party in December. Contact: Christine Boyle ([email protected]).
A Circle of Caregiving
A Circle of Caregiving is a corps of volunteers who provide pastoral care to members and friends of the church. Our volunteer caregivers assist the Congregational Care staff by accompanying members to medical appointments, visiting and caring for the sick, and providing other services on call. Contact: Natalie Wardius ([email protected]).