Chapel Church
Welcome to our contemporary Sunday morning worship service. We hope you will join us!
What's Special about Chapel Church?
Chapel Church is different from other “contemporary” services you’ll find in New York.
Ours is the only one you’ll find in a large, mainline congregation like Fifth Avenue. This place is rich in history and tradition, yet we are wide open to the movement of the Spirit. Chapel Church is creating something new within these venerable walls.
We are an open and affirming congregation. Everyone is welcome, everyone belongs. Whoever you are, wherever you have been, we invite you to take your next steps in your faith journey right here.
We offer coffee and refreshments before and after every service. You can even refill your cup in the middle if you’d like to. We want you to feel at home. Because that is exactly where you are.

This is the music!
Chapel Church doesn’t just have a distinctive look and feel—we’ve got a unique sound.
In worship, you will experience a band, which features a rotating slate of professional and volunteer vocalists singing to the rhythms of guitar, piano, violin and drums. Our repertoire covers a broad range of the contemporary and gospel music, which we love. However, the thing we’re most proud of is our original album.
In fall of 2023, Chapel Church Music Director Can Olgun and Rev. Sarah A. Speed put their heads together to write lyrics and music for an original Chapel Church album. The band recorded the album over the summer of 2023 and it is officially available on Spotify and Apple Music under the name Chapel Church Music. The desire to write came from the realization that there is a high need for contemporary Christian music that is both designed for congregational singing and shares our affirming, inclusive and expansive language for God.
To listen to some of the music we sing in worship, check out our Chapel Church playlist!
Listen to our original album—Chapel Church music!
If you’d like to join the Chapel Church band, we are always looking for more people! Email Can if you’d like to get involved!

Check out our playlist

Our Schedule
Chapel Church gathers every Sunday at 9:30 am from September through May in Jones Auditorium, on the third floor. To join us, enter through the 55th street doors. These doors have a wheelchair-accessible ramp. Once inside, you will be invited to take the elevators to the third floor. We hope to see you there!
During the summer, Fifth Avenue offers one service for all of us, at 10 am in the Sanctuary.
Questions? Suggestions? We’re always happy to hear from you. Email us at chapelchurch@fapc.org.