
Prayers of the People

We invite you to pray with us this week.

Holy and loving, you are a God who sees, a God who hears, and a God who acts. You see the storms around our lives right now. You see the storms of people’s illness, the storms of this nation, the actual storms affecting Texas and other parts of the world, and so God, we boldly pray for you to act like you have done time and time again.

The funny part is that we are asking for you to act, and I can imagine you saying to us, “Yo, I am doing things; you are just having trouble seeing it.”

So God, perhaps now our prayer is to see how you are moving in the midst of these storms.

We pray for those who are feeling pain, whether in their body, their emotions, or their finances. God, clear the storm of pain, and may we also see the ways you are moving in people’s lives through medicine, friendship, and aid. Continue to act and reveal yourself, especially in the midst of pain.

God, as we see the storm that is happening in this nation, we pray for you to act and change hearts, minds, and souls. We have seen how rhetoric turns to violence, so we boldly ask to keep politicians and people safe from harm and for a change in how politicians and people speak and treat about others. Yet, we know you are acting, so help us see your work in the people who are working for freedom and liberation for all people. I wonder about the ways you are working for peace through the small ways that we don’t often see. So God, help us see that and help us join you for peace in this nation and around the world.

God, even as we face these storms, we are grateful for the glimpses of your goodness that shine through. We thank you for things that are fun, like gardening, birding, canoeing, and even today’s soccer extravaganza with the Euro Cup and Copa America final. We know you delight in our delight. We thank you for the beauty of art that inspires and uplifts us, for the joy that dances in our hearts amidst the chaos, and for the gift of friendship and companionship that reminds us we are never alone. We are grateful for the helpers who tirelessly work to do good in the world, often without recognition or reward. Thank you for the love and light they bring, showing us your presence in every act of kindness and compassion. We praise you for the ways you surround us with your love and grace, and we trust in your continued guidance and love.

We pray all of this in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray, saying…

Associate Pastor Werner Ramirez offered these prayers of the people on Sunday, July 14, 2024.