
Prayers of the People

We invite you to pray with us today.

Gracious God, we ask that you would look at us and see Jesus. For we are your people. We have gathered in your presence to do the thing that our hearts were made to do: give you praise.

And in your glory, even as meek and small as we are,
somehow you are mindful of us.
Even as we call upon your name, our hearts carry
the weight of joys and sorrows.
For our neighbors who know the beauty of life:

For those who have found community.

For estranged family that have been reconciled.

Some of us have felt the slow pangs of heartbreak:

For a world looking for direction.

For friends who feel beyond our help.

In this wounding and wonderful life, we ask again that you
would bring life to us. Look at us, of Lord, and see Jesus.

We pray for elected leaders. For the powerful and those
who know intimately the temptations of power.
Watch over them, dear Lord. Guard their hearts and ours,
that honesty, candor, and justice might guide our steps.

Today, we pray
for Eric, our Mayor, for Kathy, our Governor,
and for Donald, our President.
Righteous One, even when we fall short, when we give in:
Look at us and see Jesus.

God, help the mundane pieces of our lives shimmer again
with your promises. In these our small little lives, help even
the smallest, seemingly most insignificant parts of our day-to-day
speak something of you. Help us live lives that when the world looks
at us, they see Jesus.

We tether these our prayers to the words of your Son, our Savior and friend, as we say:

The Rev. Chris Palmer, Associate Pastor, offered this prayer on Sunday, February 23, 2025.