Lent & Easter
Join us for 40 days of contemplation, prayer, and preparation for Holy Week and Easter.

What do you stand for?
Organizations we respect (and friends whom we love) push us to make our views known: “Take a stance. Don’t be silent.”
In responding, in sharing our perspective, we sometimes risk saying what we stand against. “I am not in favor of genocide.”
Okay. Check that box.
What feels more challenging (and even uncomfortable) is to try and describe what we stand for.
What sort of world would you like to see? What behaviors do you applaud? What lofty goals are on your radar screen? What do you stand for?
This year, during the season of Lent, as we follow the path of Jesus from his early ministry to the events of Holy Week, we are going to consider aspects of life and faith that merit a sacred thumbs up.
What path does God call us to embrace? What elements of life—what vision for this world—ought to draw an “Amen” from our lips?
Join us. And please, answer this question with us: What is your faith calling you to embrace in this time? Send your answers to [email protected]. We are going to do something creative with the positive visions you have bouncing around in your hearts. And we are going to dream together.
This Lent let’s talk about what our faith stands FOR.
See you in worship,

Start the day with Daily Devotionals
Journey through Lent with daily readings from our uniquely Fifth Avenue devotional, created by the clergy, officers, and Fifth Avenue staff members. Are you on our Advent & Lent Devotional email list?

Join us for Worship
Say Amen to Ashes
March 5 | Ash Wednesday
The Rev. Chris Palmer
12 pm • Sanctary & Livestream
6:30 pm • Sanctuary
Say Amen to Trust
March 9 | First Sunday in Lent
The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston
Say Amen to Celebration
March 16 | Second Sunday in Lent
The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston
Say Amen to Transformation
March 23 | Third Sunday in Lent
The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston
Say Amen to the Stranger
March 30 | Fourth Sunday in Lent
The Rev. Natalie Owens-Pike
Say Amen to Mercy
April 6 | Fifth Sunday in Lent
The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston
Say Amen to Suffering?
April 13 | Palm Sunday
The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston
Say Amen to The Invitation
April 17 | Maundy Thursday
The Rev. Chris Palmer
6:30 pm, Sanctuary & Livestream
The Passion
April 18 | Good Friday
12–3 pm, Sanctuary & Livestream
A contemplative service of Scripture, reflection, and sacred music.
Say Amen to Life
April 20 | Easter
The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston
9:30 & 11:15 am
Join us for Easter worship services, featuring festive music for choir, organ and brass. Both services are in the Sanctuary. You are invited to bring flowers and help us flower Christ’s cross on Fifth Avenue.
Experience the Lenten Concert
The Brahms Requiem
The Fifth Avenue Chamber Choir, directed by Ryan Jackson
with the Shelest Piano Duo
Friday, April 11, 2025 • 7 pm, Sanctuary
Experience the majestic scope of Brahms’s German Requiem with the
intimacy of chamber music. In the composer’s own reduction of the orchestral accompaniment for piano duet, the work’s hand-picked biblical texts come to life, and its stunning choral textures take center stage. Critically acclaimed concert pianists Anna and Dmitri Shelest join the twenty-four professional voices of the Fifth Avenue Chamber Choir to create the rich, Romantic sound of this year’s Lenten concert. Purchase tickets at fapc.org/tickets.