General News · June 16, 2024

A Message from the Rev. Sarah A. Speed

Above: The Rev. Sarah A. Speed and her husband, Ryan.

My Dear Fifth Avenue Family,

Over three years ago I received a phone call from a church in New York City, asking if I’d be open to a conversation. I had no idea that that phone call would lead me to you. I had no idea of the joy that was ahead.

Fast forward a handful of years, and once again, the Spirit has called. This time, she is calling me into a new season.

It is with a heart full of gratitude and grief, love and hope, that I share that the faithful folks at Second Presbyterian Church in Kansas City have voted to call me as their next senior pastor. In just a matter of weeks, Ryan and I will move back to my old stomping grounds to begin this next season of life.

While I am looking forward to living just a few streets away from my younger brother and am looking forward to the glimpses of God that this next call will bring, I will miss you all dearly. As Paul said in his letter to the Philippians, I will thank God every time I remember you.

I will never forget our first Chapel Church Sunday together. I will never forget the authenticity of those written prayers, the joy in the holy interruption, or the sound of your voices joining the band. I will never forget the dream night women’s ministry had this past spring—speaking with pride and joy about the women in our church and the community we long to be. I will never forget the countless hours of laughter and conversation spent with young adults in the Living Room, the Bible studies on those couches, music around the campfire on retreat, or the new faces welcomed there. I will never forget welcoming our online members to the first Beyond the Walls Weekend- a dream that you all made reality. I will never forget meals shared with my colleagues, singing Christmas carols on the front steps, or baptizing adorably wiggly babies in worship. Most of all though, I will remember the love I hold for each of you. 

This church is covered in God’s fingerprints, and I have been blessed to have the opportunity to spend these last three years growing and serving alongside you all.

While transition is never easy and goodbyes always feel too soon, I am confident that God will do what God does best. I am confident that God will continue to guide you all with grace in the coming days. This congregation is strong. You have amazing leaders—both in my colleagues and in the pews. I promise to hold you in prayer long after our goodbyes.

My last Sunday with you will be July 21st. Between now and then, I would love to share a cup of coffee, hug your neck, pray for you and worship together one more time. However, because time goes quickly, know that I would love to see you at any of the following events:

● Online Coffee Hour- June 16th, 12:30 pm, zoom
● Women’s Ministry Wine & Cheese- June 26th, 6:30 pm, Weber Terrace
● FAYA Prom- June 29th, 7 pm, Weber Terrace
● Pride Parade- June 30th, 1 pm, First Presbyterian Church
● Chapel Church Concert - July 5th, 6:30 pm, Jones Auditorium
● My final Sunday in the pulpit - July 21st, 10 am

My dear friends, this season has gone faster than I imagined, but I will cherish these memories for as long as I live. I will thank my God every time I remember you- this creative, loving, faithful, strong, resilient, hospitable church on the corner of 5th and 55th.

Know that I will always consider you my faith family.

With gratitude and hope,


A message from the Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston, Senior Pastor

Friends in Christ,

Three years ago, I was charged with picking up the phone and calling the remarkably talented Reverend Sarah Are (this was just before she became “the Reverend Speed”) to see if she might be interested in talking about a position at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. It was exciting for me to imagine this gifted pastor and charismatic leader coming to New York and leading Fifth Avenue’s ministry with young adults.

It has been a remarkable three years. I will have a lot to say about Sarah’s contributions to this community on her final Sunday (July 21). Today, let me cut to the chase.

I am very sad to see Sarah go. I am not surprised. Sarah is a gifted leader and a visionary clergyperson. Second Presbyterian Church is calling somebody who will lead their community with energy, imagination, intelligence and love. I am excited for them. I pray God’s blessing on Sarah’s ministry and on the congregation of Second Presbyterian Church under her care.

I am also proud. I am proud of Sarah. And I am proud of this church. When I think of the wonderful clergy who have served here (Greg Cootsona, Jan Ammon, Nora Tisdale, Paul Rock, Aram Bae, Charlene Han Powell, and now, Sarah Speed), I picture thoughtful and compassionate souls who have gone on to give strong leadership to the wider church. And in so doing, I must applaud this church. Healthy congregations gift clergy with energy, vision and hope. Your spiritual health, my friends, is blessing and blessing and blessing the wider church.

What are our next steps?

First, we are going to work on a grateful send-off for Sarah. In her letter, Sarah lists summer opportunities for you to connect with her. We will also honor Sarah on Sunday, July 21. I plan to return from study leave for that Sunday. Sarah will preach. After worship, we will have a congregational meeting and then a reception in Bonnell Hall. We will give thanks and bless Sarah as she and Ryan prepare to move back to Kansas City and begin a new chapter of life and ministry.

Second, it will come as no surprise to you that Sarah has already been a huge blessing to me and the Personnel Committee in this transition. She kept us in the loop while listening for God’s beckoning Spirit. Having said “yes” to those good folk in KC, Sarah has, in recent weeks, been working overtime to prepare curriculum and plans for FAYA and Women’s Ministry that extend through the end of this year.

Sarah has also provided me with a list of potential candidates—gifted leaders in the wider Presbyterian church who might serve as a Transitional Associate Pastor for Young Adults at Fifth Avenue. I have already started picking up the phone and contacting these clergy.

In the past, the Personnel Committee has led the congregation when searching for interim (now called “transitional”) leadership. They are prepared to do so once again. In this work, we are excited to be joined by one of FAYA’s leaders and an active elder in the church, Louisa Raitt. I will be asking the Presbytery for their blessing as we prepare to move forward and look for a talented transitional associate pastor.

I look forward to answering more questions about the search process at our congregational meeting on July 21. For now, my friends, please know this: Vibrant young adult ministry is one of this church’s hallmarks. It is important to you. It is important to me. This search has my full attention and the full attention of the Personnel Committee. We will keep you posted on our work, and we would love to hear any suggestions of candidates that you think we should pursue!

Friends, when I told my daughter, Isabella, (an active member of FAYA) that Sarah was going to be leaving, there were lots of tears. There was something spiritually lovely in Izzy’s response. Tears are one way (an important way) we demonstrate love toward those who have had a positive influence on our lives. They are how we say: “Thank you for walking alongside me faithfully for a span. Thank you for being a light on my way.”

I know that you will all join me in blessing Sarah and Ryan in the days ahead.

May the grace and peace of Christ be with you,

Scott Black Johnston
Senior Pastor