September 19, 2024

A Message of Thanks from the Rev. Kate Dunn

The Rev. Kate Dunn at a farewell Coffee Hour celebrating her over twenty years of dedicated service to Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, September 15, 2024.

My Dear Fifth Avenue Family,

Thank you so much for the farewell celebration you gave me this past Sunday. It was a joy to see so many beloved members and to be able to say goodbye in person––and in spirit, to those of you who were there in spirit. Thank you for giving me that gift.

I’m so moved by your love offering. Your generosity humbles me. Thank you for launching me onto my next chapter of hospital chaplaincy with so much love and support, with the laying on of hands, and with your prayers. You have blessed me with memories I will carry with me always.

I’m grateful to God that I had the privilege of being a part of this wonderful church for twenty years, working with such gifted colleagues, and doing ministry alongside such faithful members. This faith community has been an integral part of my spiritual journey. My heart overflows with gratitude and love. May God bless you all.

Yours in Christ,
