General News · August 4, 2024

Introducing the Rev. Chris Palmer

Members and Friends of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church,
We are writing with very good news! Today, at a specially called meeting, the Session of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church voted unanimously to call the Reverend Chris Palmer as our Transitional Associate Pastor for Young Adults and Membership.
Chris is a uniquely talented young pastor who has nurtured and grown an inspiring young adult ministry in his current church, First Presbyterian Church in Waco, Texas. Chris brings to our team great heart, a keen intellect, a gracious spirit, and a passion for inclusive ministry with young adults.
Here are a few of the ways in which Chris is described by individuals in the wider Presbyterian church: 
An absolute star! He is comfortable with a group of any size, from small to large crowds, and from the “fanciest” elites to down-and-out drug addicts, who were a major portion of his outreach ministry here. It’s not just that Chris is comfortable with all sorts of people, but that he makes other people feel comfortable.
                       —Dr. Martin Fair, Former Moderator, Church of Scotland

Chris is a visionary leader who sees a process through to completion, someone who takes frustrations and challenges in stride.
                       —Rev. Tiffani Harris

Chris is mature beyond his years.  He is a special mix, blending a love of theology with being relatable in the real world.
                        —Ms. Jane Long

Chris is incredible! Thoughtful, measured, pastoral, a deep thinker, and fun.
                        —Rev. Dr. Tony Sundermeier

Chris is unique, capable, loving, collegial, and energetic. He can handle anything you throw at him. There is not anyone in Waco who does not love him.
                        —Dr. Breck McGough

There are more glowing reviews, but we don’t want to make Chris blush. Here is a bit of biography: Chris grew up in Pennsylvania. His father was a Presbyterian pastor and his mother was a Presbyterian Christian educator. He has a bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of St. Andrews and an M.Div. degree from Princeton Seminary. He is married to Katherine Ellis—a student in the Ph.D. program in theology at Baylor University. Katherine is currently working on her dissertation. 

We look forward to introducing Chris and Katherine to the congregation on Homecoming Sunday, September 8, 2024. Chris is already working with FAYA leadership to implement a number of special get-to-know-you events. To that end, he invites all Fifth Avenue Young Adults to join him on September 11th for the first FAYA midweek of the fall! It will be a special evening to kick-off the program year and to introduce Chris and our two fabulous new interns. Additionally, save the date for the second annual Small Group Day Retreat on September 14th! 

Following this announcement, there is a letter from our Senior Pastor describing our search and next steps. At this juncture, we would simply like to thank all of you for the prayers and support you have extended to the APNC. We humbly ask that you now pivot those prayers toward Chris and Katherine as they pack up their household, say poignant goodbyes to the good people of First Presbyterian Church, Waco, and make their move to the Big Apple. All in the next month!

We all look forward to welcoming them with open arms,

The Transitional Associate Pastor Nominating Committee
Joyce Hansen
Ken Henderson
Carol Kenney (Chair)
Mark Moreland
Thomas Pak
Louisa Raitt

Friends in Christ, 

This is an exciting day!

Let me begin by saying how critical Rev. Sarah Speed and Rev. Werner Ramirez have been in helping the committee network for this search. Sarah and Werner immediately put us in contact with key individuals across the Presbyterian world. These contacts enabled us to quickly identify top practitioners of young adult ministry. At one point, we had over thirty potential candidates on our list. Personally, I had conversations with seven very different, talented, church-loving candidates. Narrowing the field, the committee conducted Zoom interviews, and we ultimately brought our top two contenders to New York. 

At every step of this journey, the beckoning finger of the Holy Spirit seemed to point us toward Waco and the Reverend Chris Palmer. He is respected across the church and he knows the joys and challenges of this ministry. Chris is, as you may have gathered from the quotations above, a true rising star in our denomination.

Both Werner and Sarah know Chris and speak very highly of him. On learning that Chris was our final candidate, Sarah remarked, “Oh Scott, I am so happy to hear this!” And, in fact, Sarah has kindly pledged to “be on call” to assist Chris in taking the reins. I am so grateful to these clergy for helping to facilitate such a gracious transition.

Finally, let me say a word about the adjective “transitional” that appears in Chris’s title. In the Presbyterian Church (USA) “transitional” roles are a new phenomenon. These roles allow churches to search via a streamlined process, and then they allow congregations to move the pastor into to a fully installed position. My hope is that our congregation and presbytery will be guided by God’s Spirit in precisely that direction in the coming year.

For now, I want to thank the committee. There have been a lot of Zooms, a ton of emails, and some very quick and smart strategizing in recent months. Carol Kenney and her crew have put forth a remarkable effort to carry out this search with care, efficiency, and faithfulness. Please thank them when you get a chance, and get ready, with open hearts, to welcome Chris and Katherine to this remarkable community of faith!

Grace and peace to you,

P.S. Mark your calendars: Chris’s first sermon with us will be on Sunday, October 27!

P.P.S. Click here to read Chris Palmer’s Statement of Faith!