General News · September 10, 2024

Meet the Rev. Chris Palmer!

This summer, after a thorough search, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church called the Rev. Chris Palmer to be our new Transitional Associate Pastor for Young Adults and Membership. Chris and his wife, Katherine, have just moved to New York City from Texas.

Chris and Katherine celebrated Homecoming with us and he will be in the office this week. Get to know Chris a little and be sure to give him and Katherine a big Fifth Avenue welcome when you see them!

Tell us about yourself!
Born and raised on diner coffee in eastern Pennsylvania, I am a husband, a vociferous Philadelphia Eagles fan, and a champion of all things Aaron Sorkin. I attended university in Scotland before returning to enroll in seminary in New Jersey. My two favorite living theologians are Pope Francis and Bruce Springsteen. If you really want to get on my good side, invite me out for a game of pick-up ultimate frisbee. On weekends, you’ll probably find me wandering around the politics, religion, or cookbook section of a local book shop.

What are your thoughts on young adult ministry?
Phew, I’ve got so many! The time in our lives we categorize as “young adulthood” is often when life demands a lot of courage from us—first jobs, maybe first real thoughts of marriage or children, moving to new cities with few friends. Some social scientists call these moments of transition in life “soft spaces.” I usually think we become most available to the community and to the voice of the Holy Spirit in these “soft spaces.” The church has so much wisdom for these transitional times, and it also has so much to learn from younger generations. What’s not to love about young adult ministry?!

Rev. Chris Palmer and his wife, Katherine.

What excites you about coming to Fifth Avenue?
When I was in middle school, my mother and I would take bus rides into New York City. We’d arrive at the Port Authority, walk through Times Square and Bryant Park, then we’d turn north on Fifth Ave and walk to Central Park. We’d always pass Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, and I can remember the brown-stone structure catching my eye over all of the people bustling below. For me, this church has always been a piece of the natural landscape of New York City. It was a sturdy place—a welcoming place—in the midst of a consistent flow of people. It’s an honor to get to minister in a place I’ve loved for a long time.

What are you most looking forward to in New York City?
I’m a percussionist, so I love rhythms. Probably the thing I look forward to above all else is learning and developing the new rhythms and routines of living in New York. The moment I start feeling at home is when I can expect when and where I’ll begin to see the same faces—at a Young Adult Midweek, at a morning stop for coffee at a regular spot, or out walking the dog. But, also, let’s be real—the food! We are definitely excited for time around the table with great new friends, and with some of the best food in the world