General News · August 3, 2022

Volunteers: We Need You this Fall!

After two years of pandemic isolation, many of our ministries and programs are preparing to return in person this fall. And we need your help.

Take a look at the opportunities below, and let us know if you are willing to serve!

Circle of Caregiving volunteers work with the Congregational Care staff to provide pastoral care to members of the church as requested. A volunteer might accompany a member to a medical appointment, visit an ailing member at home or in the hospital, or perform other helpful tasks. Contact Kristia Tolode ([email protected]) to learn more.

Family Ministries needs Sunday School teachers and Children’s Church leaders to work with our children in the LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center. Contact Jaime Staehle ([email protected]).

Meals on Heels can use additional hands to prepare meals and deliver them on Saturday mornings. Learn more about this ministry and your responsibilities as a volunteer here. Contact John Wyatt ([email protected]).

Outreach Ministries will host a number of events this fall on behalf of our neighbors experiencing homelessness. The first is the annual Margaret Shafer Community Picnic, which returns on Sunday, Sept. 11, following a two-year hiatus. Learn more about this event and sign up to serve here.

Tours of the church are happening every Sunday after worship, and in October, we open our doors to Open House New York. If you would like to serve as a docent or greeter, contact Judy Moseley ([email protected]).

Ushers and Greeters, for Sunday worship and special events, are needed to manage an anticipated increase in worshipers and visitors this fall. Contact Jacky Radifera ([email protected]).

Welcome Table volunteers greet visitors in the narthex on Sunday mornings, providing information about the church and answering questions.

Women’s Association volunteers are needed to staff the two-day Holiday Bazaar on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 3-4. The Bazaar is open from 10 am until 5 pm on Thursday, and 10 am until 4 pm on Friday. Advance help is needed for pricing and set up. Contact Rita Arlen ([email protected]).