Adult Education

Beer & Hymn Sing

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

You’ve heard of pop-up stores. How about a pop-up community group? This fall—in addition to our year-long community groups—we introduce two groups that will meet for just a few weeks. (The first, “Mystics with Macie,” met in October.) This new model is based on the success of the seven-week series of Lenten spirituality classes we offered this past winter. We learned that those classes were not only about learning and prayer—they fostered community as well.

Tonight we offer a one-night mash-up of drinking and singing.

There’s a story behind that beer you’re drinking—just as there are stories behind the hymns we sing. Let’s raise a glass and put these stories together. We’ll mix the pub with the sacred—who knows how God may speak in that context?

You must be 21 years or older to participate. Your $10 fee will help cover the cost of the event.

Email us at [email protected] if you’d like to partake!