Music + Arts

Brahms’ Requiem: The Lenten Concert

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

Join us for the online premier of the 2020 Lenten Concert.

Although we can’t gather in person, the Lenten concert is still happening. Set a reminder for 7 pm Friday, April 3, when our concert video will appear simultaneously as a YouTube Premiere and Facebook Premiere.

Ryan Jackson directs the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church Chamber Choir, joined by The Shelest Piano Duo, in a stirring encore performance of Johannes Brahms’ A German Requiem. This concert was performed live on April 11, 2019, in Kirkland Chapel.

This video premier offers an advantage over a live performance—the opportunity to exchange live commentary with Ryan and many of the singers and musicians!

To view on YouTube, click here. To view on Facebook, click here. Visit either page in advance to set a reminder.

Experience the majestic scope of Brahms’ German Requiem with the directness of chamber music. In the composer’s own reduction of the orchestral accompaniment for piano duet, the work’s hand-picked Biblical texts come to life, and its stunning choral textures take center stage.

Critically acclaimed concert pianists Anna Shelest and Dmitri Shelest join the 24 voices of the Chamber Choir to create the rich, Romantic sound of the Lenten concert.

Kathryn Supina, Soprano
Steven Eddy, Baritone

Brooke Bryant, Amy Goldin, Christina Kay, Rachel Mikol, Claire Myers McCormick, Kathryn Supina

Donna Breitzer, Sharon Byrne, Elyse Kakacek, Erica Koehring, Cheryl Martin, Megan Schubert

Sean Clark, Brandon Hynum, Justin Jalea, Wilson Nichols, Richard Saunders

Clayton Kahler Brown, Steven Eddy, Jonathan Estabrooks, Nick Hay, Antoine Hodge, Max Weir