Adult Education

CREDO: Hildegard von Bingen

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

This year our popular series CREDO: Essentials of Christian Theology focuses on four female mystics whose lives span the 12th to the 19th centuries. Senior Pastor Scott Black Johnston launches the series with an examination of Hildegard von Bingen’s life and spirituality.

Born into a noble family in the Rhineland in 1098, Hildegard von Bingen devoted virtually entire life (from the age of 8!) to the church. She founded monasteries, preached in some of Europe’s great cathedrals, and became known for the power of her spiritual writing and teaching. “Hildegard dedicated herself exclusively to explaining divine revelation and making God known in the clarity of his love,” Pope Benedict XVI wrote of her.

The complete CREDO series is listed on the right.