Adult Education

CREDO: Julian of Norwich

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

All Adult Education classes at the church have been canceled as part of our public health precautions. We hope to offer CREDO online this month. Watch for an announcement soon!


This year our popular series CREDO: Essentials of Christian Theology focuses on four female mystics whose lives span the 12th to the 19th centuries. Today Associate Pastor Werner Ramirez takes us into the 14th century and the life of Julian of Norwich.

We don’t know her actual name. “Julian” is taken from St. Julian’s Church in Norwich, England, where this great spiritual teacher lived most of her life. Her book, The Revelations of Divine Love, is widely acknowledged as one of the great classics of the spiritual life. It is based on a series of visions Julian received on May 8, 1373, when she believed she was dying. Come hear what happened next.

The complete CREDO series is listed on the right.