Effective Résumés That Excite Hiring Managers

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

Your résumé is your currency in the job market. Without a résumé that conveys your value and “sells” you, you cannot apply for positions or even gain credibility. Join coach Beverly Daniel as shares her experience as a recruiter and coach and learn how to make your resume as effective as possible. 

Beverly R. Daniel, MS, MBA, CareerGrowth Group, is a career coach who has helped professionals create career plans and achieve career growth. She worked for more than 20 years in the executive search industry and has been a featured speaker at the Columbia Graduate Business School Alumni Club of New York, University of Michigan Business School, Financial Executives Networking Group, Financial Executives Institute, New York Society of Security Analysts and other audiences.

This is a free seminar from the Employment Advisory program. Founded in 1950, the Employment Advisory program helps people seeking employment or exploring new career options.

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