Adult Education

Hope for the Children of Lesotho

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

This fall Adult Education is taking the fall sermon series—Curate Your Heart—to heart! Our classes center on several of the themes our preachers will be exploring from the pulpit—love of God, love of neighbor, forgiveness and reconciliation, mercy and justice. As we curate our hearts, we will discipline our minds as well.

Ministry of Hope Lesotho—a mission partner of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church—is a home for orphaned and vulnerable children in Maseru, Lesotho, a mountain kingdom in southern Africa. The ministry was created in 2009 to improve the quality of life for children in need, and to facilitate placing them with relatives or adoptive families. On a rare visit to the U.S., executive director and co-founder Mamonyane Mohale shares how Ministry of Hope is saving young lives through nutrition, education and love.