Managing Your Finances When Unemployed

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

As we focus on pulling together our resumes, cranking up our network and preparing for interviews, it is easy to put our heads in the sand and just hope for the best when it comes to our money. Tonight we make time for expert advice on managing our finances. In this workshop, you will receive tips on making a budget that will help you plan for your basic needs, savings and debt payment. You will also learn the advantages of accessing formal credit, as well as the importance of establishing a credit history.

This workshop takes place on Zoom. Click here to register.

Since 1950, the Employment Advisory program at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church has provided free seminars for anyone who is seeking employment, exploring new career options or simply trying to keep pace with a fast-changing job market. Programs are offered on the third Tuesday of the month. Our instructors include human resources professionals, recruiters, career coaches and hiring managers from a range of industries. To join our mailing list, email us at [email protected].