Family Ministries

Parenting from the Pews

photo ofJaime Staehle

Jaime Staehle, preaching.

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

All parents of small children are invited to a special parenting event sponsored by Family Ministries.

As parents we naturally swap stories with other parents in the same life stage as we are. How often do we take the opportunity to visit firsthand with parents who have already navigated where we are today? This morning the Rev. Dr. Charlene Han Powell (executive pastor, and mother of two) moderates a discussion featuring three families whose children grew up at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church before moving on to college and careers. “Parenting from the Pews” offers wisdom and insight from Greg and Kirsten Aiello, Kathy and Ken Henderson, and Constance and Glenn Hubbard.

Breakfast will be served, and childcare will be available in the LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center.

Please RSVP to Jaime Staehle at [email protected].