Professional Networking for Success

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

This presentation focuses on the true meaning (and measure) of networking to advance your professional career, whether you are looking for another job or working to build a business or practice. We will also focus on how to stay relevant and competitive in a constantly changing work environment. You will come away with a plan for creating a strategy to expand your network of contacts, leading to that next great job or business opportunity.

Chip Conlin has been a member of The Five O’Clock Club, a national career counseling organization, since 1996. He also maintains an active private practice in advising clients from a variety of professions, including financial services, information technology, marketing and the nonprofit sector. Chip specializes in helping clients quickly establish the right strategy to promote their career development. Before The Five O’Clock Club, Chip worked for more than 30 years in human resources in the financial services and transportation industries.

This is a free seminar from the Employment Advisory program. Founded in 1950, the Employment Advisory program helps people seeking employment or exploring new career options.

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