Adult Education

Report from the Mexican Border

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

This fall Adult Education is taking the fall sermon series—Curate Your Heart—to heart! Our classes center on several of the themes our preachers will be exploring from the pulpit—love of God, love of neighbor, forgiveness and reconciliation, mercy and justice. As we curate our hearts, we will discipline our minds as well.

Today members of our mission trip team describe the eight days they spent working with Frontera de Cristo, a Presbyterian border ministry located in the sister cities of Agua Prieta, Sonora (Mexico) and Douglas, Arizona. Frontera de Cristo offers cross-border education, health and church development ministries. It also provides basic needs and social services for migrants and the recently deported.

Hear a firsthand report about the humanitarian crisis at our southern border and how people of faith are responding.