Adult Education

Sacred Stories, Part 1: Learning the Story

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

What stories do you hold in your heart? How do they influence your daily life? How do they inform what you believe about the world?

Adult Education announces a new program, “A Summer of Sacred Stories,” which will use Bible stories to help us explore some of life’s most profound questions. One of our resident Broadway veterans, Jeanne Lehman French, leads this series of three workshops, which begins today.

Everyone, of any age, is welcome! But space is limited, so please RSVP in advance to Jaime Staehle ([email protected]) or Morgan King ([email protected]).

Today: Learning the Story
Jeanne will perform a Bible story and speak about how professional actors “internalize texts.” Participants will choose their own stories and begin practicing internalization on their own.

July 7: Living the Story
Today we will focus on reading between the lines: what can minor characters, subplots, textual clues and historical context reveal about your story? In small groups, we will continue workshopping our stories under Jeanne’s guidance.

July 21: Telling the Story
Show time! Participants will have the opportunity to perform all or part of their stories. We will talk about how emphasis, tone and body language convey meaning and can even help interpret a text. We will end with a conversation about seeing our own lives and experiences in these sacred stories.