Speed Networking: Ramp Up Your Network for the Fall

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

The single most important thing you can do for your career is increase your network. How do you meet people, and how do you tell them what they need to hear so that you can meet with them, find new contacts and move your career forward?

Coach Win Sheffield will begin the evening with tips on how to present yourself comfortably in a few short sentences (an elevator pitch) to engage your listeners. You will then have the opportunity to practice. It is useful to come prepared with business cards or index cards with your contact information.

Win Sheffield (winsheffield.com) is a career coach in private practice in New York. He offers strategies and guidance to support his clients to take their work to the next level or establish new careers. He coaches clients in delivering their message, runs workshops, and delivers talks to many industry and alumni groups.

This is a free seminar from the Employment Advisory program. Founded in 1950, the Employment Advisory program helps people seeking employment or exploring new career options.

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