Spiritual Injury & Moral Injury: Critical Issues at the End of Life

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

Toward the end of life, memories of relationships gone awry and unresolved matters of conscience can overtake your spirit. Feeling unable to forgive yourself is moral injury. Equally disturbing is spiritual injury, when you believe God is punishing you for your sins by causing illness. The good news: There is much hope for the healing of these potentially devastating injuries. Let’s talk!

Our guest is the Rev. Dr. Laurie Anderson, palliative care chaplain at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

The Circle: Conversations about Health, Wellness & Spirituality is a monthly educational forum open to all who are interested in understanding the variety of needs—mental health issues, end-of-life decisions, spiritual crises and more—that arise in a community of faith, and gaining skills to respond with compassionate care to those in need.