Making Your Job Campaign a Success

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

A job campaign involves many moving parts: networking with colleagues and friends, interviews, responding to ads, résumés, research and analysis. Assessing what is working, learning how to get the balance right and deciding what to pursue next are never easy, especially in the context of selling ourselves. 

Join career coach Win Sheffield to learn how to assess your job campaign and make your efforts effective. Master your active and passive methods for getting a job. Learn how to convey your value (and not bragging) by sharing how you work. Minimize what is hard, and do more of what is easy. Get people to want to meet with you.

Win Sheffield ( is a career coach in private practice in New York. He offers strategies and guidance to help his clients take their work to the next level or establish new careers. He coaches clients in delivering their message, runs workshops, and delivers talks to many industry and alumni groups. 

This is a free seminar from the Employment Advisory program. Founded in 1950, the Employment Advisory program helps people seeking employment or exploring new career options.

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