Stations of the Cross
Through art and prayer, walk with Jesus in his final hours.
In March 2020, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church was poised to launch one of our most poignant Lenten seasons. With a theme of ‘authenticity’ the Worship series, Lenten spiritual practices and gallery exhibit were created to help worshippers experience this theme throughout Lent.
And then, Covid-19.
The Fifth Avenue staff and worship team pivoted immediately and went on to create an outstanding virtual Lent and Easter season amidst a challenging moment. However, the ‘Stations of the Cross’ art exhibit in Chesnut Gallery never had the opportunity to properly premiere.
So now, we pivot again.
For Lent 2022, we are proud to officially showcase this compelling art exhibit. This 2022, I want to reach back two years and lift up those who worked so hard in 2020 to shape ‘Stations of the Cross’: Artists Laura Fissinger and Laura James, Arts & Our Faith Committee Chair Nancy Moore, Timothy Palmer Curl (whom I self-appoint as Communication Director Emeritus) and our ever-amazing Senior Designer, Vasheena Brisbane. The original exhibit copy remains below as a reminder of time passed that has made us resilient with our eternal God. ‘Stations of the Cross’ is an exhibit for such a time as this.
-Kellie Picallo, Director of Communications & Development, February 2022
The Stations of the Cross is a Christian liturgical tradition that dates to the 15th century. The Stations—14 in all—represent 14 episodes in Jesus’ last days, from his condemnation to death to the laying of his body in the tomb. Most come directly from the gospels. Others, such as Jesus falling three times and Veronica wiping blood and sweat from his face, reflect oral traditions from the early days of the Church.
Artistic representations of the Stations line the walls of churches (mostly Roman Catholic and Anglican) around the world. Each Lent, especially during Holy Week, worshipers step from station to station, contemplating the images, reading Scripture and speaking words of prayer.
About the Art
We present to you two interpretations of the Stations, both by contemporary New York artists—Laura Fissinger and Laura James.
Although their subject matter was the same, the two artists traveled distinct paths in depicting these tragic, yet transcendent moments in the Christian story. Laura Fissinger’s Stations were commissioned by Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church as part of our sacred art collection. Laura James’ Stations were created as part of a humanitarian effort to restore earthquake-damaged churches in Haiti.
We invite you to read their stories.
In this presentation, Laura Fissinger’s Stations appear on the left and James’ on the right. Because she chose to focus on Jesus’ isolation and rejection in his final hours, Laura Fissinger purposefully does not include images for Station 5 (Simon of Cyrene) or Station 8 (Women of Jerusalem).
Making Your Journey
To the right of this text, you will find a link taking you to the First Station.
At each Station, you will find the images, along with Scripture, reflection and prayer. Spend as much time at each Station as you like before advancing to the next. Look to the right of the text for the link that will take you on your way.
At the bottom of each page, you will find links to take you back to the previous Station or back to the start.
We hope this ancient spiritual practice will enrich your Lenten experience as we look together toward the miracle of Easter morning.
Come, let us walk with Christ along the way of the cross. Where he goes, we will follow.