Adult Education

Lenten Spiritual Practice: Writing Our Stories

photo ofJaime Staehle

Jaime Staehle, preaching.

  • Audio for this sermon will be available on Monday.

Whether we realize it or not, God has made each of us a storyteller. This workshop explores the spiritual implications of this innate gift. What are the narratives—both life-giving and soul-destroying—that we tell ourselves and others? Where might God be working in and through our stories?

Our guest instructor, Jeff Chu, is a Brooklyn-based freelance reporter and writer, and a seminarian at Princeton Theological Seminary.

This class is the first of a series of introductory seminars on spiritual disciplines we are offering throughout Lent. Each class is designed to provide the basic techniques of each discipline, while allowing ample time to start practicing them yourself. We encourage you to try as many of these classes as possible—perhaps you will find one (or more) that will become a standard part of your spiritual journey. Upcoming classes are listed on the right.

All classes are free and open to all. Registration is not required, but it will help us to know how many participants to expect. Please RSVP to Jaime Staehle ([email protected]) if you plan to join us.